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President Obama Becomes Irritated with Texas Reporter

Your Black World Reports

In the video below, President Barack Obama is in an interview with a Texas reporter who seems to test his patience. This is not surprising, since Texas is likely the most hostile state toward the president.  They’ve been vocal about actually leaving the United States in protest to Obama’s election.  One can’t help but to connect the state’s anger toward Obama with the fact that Texas also happens to be arguably the most racist state in America, with black male incarceration rates that can be described as nothing less than a holocaust. 

The video is below.  Click here if you can’t see it.   To join the Your Black World Coalition, please visit YourBlackWorld.com.


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  1. April 20, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    Hi. I just saw the interview and where our President would and should have been irritated about their constant badgering him concerning Texas. Now I understand that he needs certain states to come to a majority vote of deciding to elect a president and as I live in Pennsylvania and have seen the discrimination and their demonstration of their Republican stances, I also saw a wonderful thing when we came out in drones and voted for change, a man that we believed, and I still do, that would and should and could change the world for the better in a democratic way as it should be in the first place.

    That’s my two cents and GOD Bless America and especially those states that are not for our President. And GOD Bless President Barack Obama too since he is but a vessel by which this world will take a greater and better direction then where it has been. We just have to fight along with him since we are the democracy.

    Sincerely yours,

    M.J. Santana (An Inspirational Speaker, Writer and
    OS and Project Coordinator of the Friends of AIDS Foundation

  2. April 22, 2011 at 1:36 am

    There was nothing wrong with the questions asked by the reporter, however, I believe that Texas should be investigated to ensure that the votes casts were the votes cast. Republicans have been using absenttee ballots to allow dead people and ficticious people to vote. Texas is not as Republican as the Republicans think.

  3. April 22, 2011 at 1:37 am

    My family will vote for him, again…! When I see people like that interviewer, PURPOSELY bait him into losing his temper…my blood boiled! That ‘lady’ in California that disrespected him with that photo of the chimps is disgusting as well..! It just makes me realize- the burdens– that my fellow Americans–who happen to be African-American, have had to endure….. I admire and respect the fact that you have borne it all and SURVIVED…in spite of everyone and everything. We will, in my home, continue to watch his back, and his lovely family…! A lesser person would fail….

  4. April 22, 2011 at 2:40 am


  5. linda gibson
    April 22, 2011 at 2:53 am

    ILIVE IN HOU tx. and you are correct about incarcerations.I have a son 34yrs old.and every time he stop for headlights out of car ,or any little thing,he taken to jail..Thaty is after he’s beaten.He’s in jail now ,after his release this time .I’m praying he leave Tx and never come back

  6. Benton Colvin aka Edujustice2005
    April 22, 2011 at 5:27 am

    I must say we have the best of presidents..Barack Obama! I pray that God will always keep him and his family and in-laws in His hands and protect them from any and all harm! He is the best president we have ever had. I know that there are some Whites and Blacks that do not like him, but he does not let that interfer with his aim! He is the first president I have witness that are concern about the citizens of the USA! I make sure I send donations to help him get elected! We should all be doing as much as we can to help him help us. We can see that he love the ppl of the USA…but I cannot say that for everyone. I ask God to be with him and him family and keep His hand around him from day to day as he tries to fulfell his duthy Mr. President you have more ppl for you than you will ever know!

  7. Earl
    April 22, 2011 at 10:03 am

    I am fully in support of our president. I am sure he is aware of the hostile states like Texas and South Carolina. He can not push his agenda alone, he need help from both sides of the aisle especially his fellow democrats and some of them are weak and run and hide. GOD bless the president and may he be victorious in his next election bid.

  8. nicole day
    April 22, 2011 at 10:22 am

    I have never seen a President disgraced and badgered as much as President Obama by supposedly professional, political people. He said it wasn’t going to be easy and the tasks was not going to be done in one term. This President has over 8 years of bad policies and bullcrap to clean up!!! I will be voting for him again and I pray for him and his family everyday. May God bless the President!!

  9. Madmax
    April 22, 2011 at 11:31 am

    If you look at the “body language” and the loaded questions this “reporter” asked, you can tell he had an agenda before he sat down. President Obama was asked “why do Texans hate you so much?” This was the same loaded question that Bill O’Reilly asked, almost word for word. The reporter then implied that the Obama administration deliberately snubbed Houston for a space shuttle, and wouldn’t accept a simple, flat out answer, as if he were “digging” for a mea culpa. It was my understanding that this was a competitive bidding process, with the minimum ante being $28 million. Houston already has a signature Air and Space Museum. Even if the the decision was political, so what? If Texas can’t help President Obama politically, and their leadership continues to fling feces at him, why should he do anything for them?

    If I have to crawl to the polls to vote for President Obama, I will, if for no other reason, than to see these “people” burst into flames from frustration, trying to destroy him.

  10. Wanda
    April 22, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    President Obama has to deal with small minded, pathetic, racist, and down right rude individuals each and every day. I must say, He is a man of true honor and compassion. God has equipped him to deal with such aspects of his high position as the “First” black president. I am very proud to see how he handled this reporters questioning. Readers, please know without any doubts that once it was announced that Obama won the presidency, Republicans and these so called Tea Parties bagan to rally TOGETHER for doing EVERYTHING in their little power to boot him out and to cause him problems. The objective is to make him out to be one of the worse presidents we’ve ever had due to a black man being in the white house. We as AMERICANS (black, white, hispanic, etc.) have to continue to keep the dream alive and well. We MUST stay united and vote unanimously TOGETHER come next year to keep our President in office. He is doing the BEST JOB set forth. He has 8 yrs of Bush dug to clean up. Many republicans still try to shift the blame to him for all the mess that was created before he even entered into office. REMEMBER, when you stand TOGETHER there is POWER in the midst of it all. I’ll be reelected the man who brought a change to a very divided america. Thank you Mr. President for NEVER seeing the color of our skin, but the CONTENT OF OUR CHARACTER. God bless you and your family.

  11. Madmax
    April 22, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Wanda-I agree, but there is something far more insidious that is going on here. President Obama and Joe Biden were clearly the superior candidates, yet, McLame didn’t run his campaign on a single issue…not a single one. His campaign centered on demonizing Obama, through lies and innuendo. We have completely missed how easily McLame’s supporters, the birthers, the teabaggers, and the Republicans just made up stuff about Obama, and much of this stuff went unchallenged. They destroyed ACORN, ran Van Jones and other presidential appointees away, blocked his nominations, intimidated all of President Obama’s supporters, and forced the incumbent Democrats to distance themselves from him.

    The message is clear. No black man will ever be good enough to be president, and anyone who disagrees will go down with him. If we sit on our duffs, and let them get away with it, we deserve what will happen to us after they finish with Obama.

  12. Julia Holland
    April 22, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Living in Reno, Nevada I was lucky to see President Obama in his motorcade yesterday. I will vote for him again. I think for the legacy he left he has done a fine and relentless job thus far.

  13. Rose Garcia
    April 22, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    So where was the hostility in that interview? Since the start of his political campaigns for the US Senate and the Office of the Presidency no, yes, no reporter has asked Pres. Obama “hard” questions. Narcissistic individuals, like Pres. Obama, hate to be challenged. Both Pres. Obama and the reporter were respectful to eachother during the interview as shown in your clip.

    All Presidents need to be asked challenging, sensitive, and unpopular questions about issues facing every citizen of the United States. Racism, yes racism, keeps reporters, white, black, and other non-white reporters, from asking Pres. Obama the questions they would and have asked white presidents. If a white reporter challenges the Pres. Obama, he/she is racist. If a black reporter challenges Pres. Obama, he/she is self-hating. President Obama is a lucky man, that racism plays in his favor and for as much as it has.
    Has anyone ever wondered why a man labeled as “brillent” and who lavishes in this description of himself, has not and will not release his college records? Is it because he is not as smart as the label he holds onto? Is it because he never considered himself black and indicated “other” on his application as his race designation? (If he did, he isn’t our first Black President! He is either our first or second “other” President.) Is it because he applied as a foreign student? Is it because he stated he was born outside the USA? Is it because his college records contain facts of immoral, illegal, and/or criminal behavior? Are all of these questions the answers to which form the reasons for his non disclosure? So when is “Our Black World” going to ask Pres. Obama challenging, sensitive questions such as those raised here?

  14. Wanda
    April 22, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    Madmax – I agree with you WHOLEHEARTEDLY and appreciate you sharing such great knowledge. Too many of us have been sitting back watching as many in the Republican party try to destroy what the President is trying to establish for us. I pray all will see the big picture here just as you’ve stated. Just as we came TOGETHER to vote him in, we have to STAY TOGETHER to keep him in. He needs at least another 4 years to gain any ground of substantial change. Remember: A black man is President!!! Those who choose not to recognize the TRUTH, shall remain small minded and stupid. Thanks MadMax and have a wonderful day.

  15. Bobbie Harmon
    April 22, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    VOTE OBAMA, he is the Best President we’ve ever had. Pray for our enemies . and yes Texas staring with the BUSH they are the most racist and wicked evil beings the world have seen. and yes he will win again.

  16. DENISE
    April 22, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    Oh yes! he shall win again!He is the chosen bone!{smile{.

  17. oefrank
    April 22, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    It’s not surprising. I’ve been to Texas once and I will never go back. The good ole boy network is alive and well in that state. I give texans credit they don’t hide the fact that they don’t like black people. They might make a 3 hour exception(watching college & pro sports) and it’s mainly football and basketball. Then it’s back to the same old hatred. They could have texas and every white texan I’ve ever met were rude, obnoxious and the I am better than you attitude because I’m white.

  18. Debra
    April 23, 2011 at 4:54 am

    Lord, please have mercy upon the people of this world including me! We are so opinionated and hateful! I am over 50 years ald and have seen a few presidents to date and I don’t recall one that everybody loved and nobody talked about like a dog. President Obama is rolling with the punches and thats all he can do, if the hatred is too much for him he shouldn’t run again (personally I wouldn’t have run the first time even if I was qualified). As for the interview he should have banned that particular reporter from any future one on one interviews. I am glad that he’s only being attacked vocally and hope that he and his family will continue to be protected by God throughout his presidency.

    We are just so petty and without morals. How the heck can we as people expect to live civilized lives when everybody hating somebody for petty crap? How can you not hate when people handcuff 7 year olds, drive their children into lakes, shake their babies to death, kill innocents, execute people, microwave babies, and on and on and on!!!! If all you want to do is burn a cross in my yard; thank you for not shooting up my house, torching my house with me in it and all the other stuff I see in the news!!!

    I think God wants us to understand that we CAN NOT govern ourselves; until the Prince of Peace returns we will continue to committ the atrocities of hatred! oan by the way I’m already ready to start talking about Trump like a dog, and had nothing nice to say about WBush either!

  19. Aaron
    April 24, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    Rose Garcia,
    I’m tan orgulloso usted hace alarde de su ” wannabe” blancura! Usted tiene su arroz, habas y chulettas’, that’ s isn’ satisfactorio; t él amor?

  20. CW
    April 25, 2011 at 12:46 am

    Rose Garcia – Are you serious?? President Bush wouldn’t even let challenging reporters in the door. I don’t agree with President Obama on a number of issues, but a he’s intelligent and will openly disagree with reporters. What about Bush? Kind of weird that your last reply is in Spanish – that is kind of weird considering this forum ‘Your Black World’ in in English.

    Are you questioning Obama’s education? If so, did you question Bush’s? There is no mistake that Obama is brilliant (correct spelling of the word by the way) – Bush’s intelligence was questioned by the ENTIRE WORLD on a daily basis.

    By the way, there has been NO secret of Obama’s education; his work in the communities of Chicago or the law firm where he met Michelle his former boss. What mis-information/lies are you spilling here?

    Your covert response, lack of truth and over abundance of lies are so reminiscent of the Bush administration isn’t it?

    Wow – scary. Do you have any real truths to write on this forum Ms. Garcia?

  21. Rose
    May 1, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Texas, oh well. They still discriminate against the American Indians. When they hate you, it never ends. Remember slavery had ended 2 years before Texas told the “Blacks People” they were free.
    I would never live there unless the True God and Jesus told me to live there.

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