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Kindergartners Shot When Child Brings Gun to School


Your Black World reports

Three kindergartners were wounded today in a Houston elementary school after a loaded gun fell out of the pocket of one of the children. The school district is reporting that none of the injuries were fatal or life-threatening, according to CNN.

The weapon went off one time and according to Jason Spencer, the spokesperson for the school district, the children might have been hit by bullet fragments. Jarneshia Broussard, a five year old who witnessed the incident, said that the gun “fell and then it shot.”

"We were by each other and then it shot and the little girl started crying," Jarneshia also said.

The children were taken to the hospital and their parents were notified. Two of the children were shot in the leg and one was shot in the foot. In 2006 – 2007, there were over 2,700 students across the country who were either expelled or suspended for bringing a gun to school, according to William Modzeleski, Associate Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-free schools.

The gun incident in Houston lies at the center of a vast debate on the sale of ready availability of handguns all across the United States. People of color are disproportionately victimized by gun violence and hand guns are the leading killer of young black males in America. At the same time, there is a vast gun lobby working to stop those who seek greater gun control. The National Rifle Association is expected to take a position in response to this incident, as they are typically on the defensive when young people are killed by guns.

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