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Obama Fights Back Against Black Critics

President Barack Obama on Monday rebutted critics who say he isn’t showing enough compassion toward black America, citing his health care effort as one example he says "will be hugely important" for blacks.

Obama said another example is the billions of dollars in aid to states included in the economic stimulus bill, money that was used to save thousands of teachers, firefighters and police officers from losing their jobs. He said many of those workers are black.

"So this notion, somehow, that because there wasn’t a transformation overnight that we’ve been neglectful is just simply, factually not accurate," Obama said in an Oval Office interview with April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks.

But the president acknowledged there are limits to what a president can do for any class of people.

"The only thing I cannot do is, by law, I cannot pass laws that say ‘I’m just helping black folks.’ I’m the president of the entire United States," Obama said, giving his standard answer to questions about the economic and other disparities facing blacks.

"What I can do is make sure that I am passing laws that help all people, particularly those who are most vulnerable and most in need," he said. "That in turn is going to help lift up the African-American community."

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  1. Cecil Jones
    December 24, 2009 at 10:25 am

    Anyone that ever struggled in the Civil Rights Struggle loves Barack Obama. We love him for what he represents not for what he does. He represents an “Equal Opportunity” long fulfilled by others in the movement for others in the movement. Barack Obama will determine his legacy based on what he does to help or hurt that struggle. We can’t make the man be Black, poor, or humble. He’s a Harvard Grad, raised by a White Mom, and sometimes way too smart for his own good. He earned his place on the backs of many “Little People” giving their all to a champion. Nobody ever said, “Barack is that Champion.” He must earn it but we fought and died to give all an “Equal Opportunity” to be one. He may not be the one. He was the first and we are learning so much about race, the struggle and the Dream.

  2. December 28, 2009 at 11:15 am

    Obama is nothing but a modern day house negro doing the bidding of the man. White folks realized that W was not good for the country and world. His policies were extremely bad for international capitalism so they decided that a change was needed and found this dope using black man Obama to do their bidding. He is no better than Bush, a war monger!

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