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Tavis Smiley Holds Barack Accountable, but Who Holds Tavis Accountable?

Genma Holmes

by Genma Holmes

While I was reading the lawsuit filed by the NAACP for predatory lending practices, my eyes kept returning to Wells Fargo. My something-smells-funny nose kept sniffing until I looked across my desk and saw the program guide from the recent State of the Black Union (SOTBU). In large font was the Wells Fargo logo, titlesponsor of the event. I wondered if the NAACP had any dialogue with Tavis Smiley prior to the lawsuit being filed. The bank that is being sued for institutionalized racism sponsors a think tank for black folks. (You cannot make this stuff up.)
Wells Fargo has sponsored the SOTBU for several years. SOTBU was the brainchild of Tavis Smiley and birthed from his weekly commentary on the Tom Joyer Morning Show. Tavis Smiley quit the TJMS in April of last year and moved on to other projects that needed more of his attention. One of those projects is to hold President Obama accountable for his political record and campaign promises made on the campaign trail as outlined in his recent book.
From his book:
“During the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, while I was still the resident political commentator on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, I caused quite a stir among the listeners, who are largely African-American, by insisting that we hold then Senator Barack Obama accountable for both his political record and his campaign promises. I wasn’t singling him out, but rather applying the same standard to him that we should apply to all.
I feel now, as I did then, that it is our responsibility as engages citizens to expect now-President Barack Obama to live up to the promises that made him an appealing candidate… As Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail reminds us, ‘Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes from the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation.’
So, let us take Dr. King’s lead… and go forth and make real the promise of our democracy.” — Excerpted from the Foreword (pages xii-xiii)
The SOTBU website states "Some of the most influential thinkers, entertainers, and political leaders of our time gather each year to discuss the State of the Black Union during Black History Month. Presented annually in February by Tavis Smiley Presents, the symposium was created to educate, enlighten and empower America by bringing people together and engaging them in thoughtful dialogue, leading the way to constructive action."
The man who has written a book titled Accountable, has accepted sponsorship for years from a bank that is being accused of forcing blacks into subprime mortgages while whites with identical qualifications got lower rates. Class-action lawsuits were filed against Wells Fargo and HSBC in federal court in Los Angeles. Los Angeles was also the host city for the State of the Black Union.
My words may anger some but this is equivalent to a child molester opening up a neighborhood daycare center. It is this type of irony in the black community by leaders and organizations that keeps folks from getting ahead. "Leaders" play nice and accept money from the very organizations that causes the most harm and perpetuate media stereotypes. This happens in many communities but it is perverse in the communities of color.
Does this means Tavis is going to turn his journalistic intuition on Wells Fargo and hold them accountable? I hope so. These are serious charges being leveled at a time when banks that are behaving badly are receiving TARP bailouts. Is he going to compile the number of loans that were given to blacks vs. whites and research the information and give it to the board of directors of Wells Fargo? Will he ask for their resignations? Now that is taking action. Will he helped them be a better bank by helping them exam how they conduct business with people of color? Will he turn down their sponsorship next year and take their logo off his website with a link to their mortgage department? That would be worthy of an NAACP Image Award! Is this not what several of the panelist ask often when others accept sponsorship or advertisement from organizations that do not tow the line when allegations or perceived racist misconduct occur? All the time.
Tavis has always asked his listeners and viewers to be watchful and test everything and everyone. How did Wells Fargo allege predatory practices get around Tavis who would not allow then Senator Obama to campaign without a thorough scrutiny of the issues and his character? President Obama who has been on the national political scene less than ten years is being exam microscopically by Tavis. While SOTBU, Tavis and the same panelists year after year have held meetings with very loud megaphones on radio and television turned blind eyes to the practices of Wells Fargo and others. Practices that have gone on much longer than President Obama has been in the White House according to the time line stated in the NAACP lawsuit.
Many of the speakers at Tavis’ 2009 SOTBU event were the same faces sitting in the audience for the 2009 NAACP Image Awards. The award show was televised on the Fox Network, which was the subject of a boycott. (You cannot make this up.) Some body’s PR people are not talking to the other folks’ legal department and the legal department is surely not talking to the marketing representatives. In the fragile world of sponsorship and raising dollars for mega events to show accountability, this sounds like a church split or at the very least biting the hands that sponsor/televise your events. This is enough to leave one confused and bewildered.


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  1. Cecil Jones
    March 16, 2009 at 5:59 am

    Some news stories speak for themselves and there is no commentary that makes it better. In politics there are no permanent friends or enemies just permanent interests. I guess the joint interest here is the exploitation of the community for different reasons. One is greed the other is power? Isn’t it time for some new leadership to take power?

  2. renee
    March 16, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    If you Genma and other black people have a problem with Wells Fargo sponsoring the 2009 Black State of the Union, How about donating your own money to Tavis. I think Tavis should put you in charge of raising money for 2010 SOTBU.

  3. kjhg fghjk
    March 16, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    Some sites, like this one, are as petty, unfocused, and lifeless, as they get.

    Just one question, to the lady who wrote this article (and whoever shamelessly posted it): Does Tavis Smiley own the keys to the helm of the world’s most powerful war machine? Smell the coffee lady!!!

  4. lad
    March 16, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Tavis needs to be quiet. I am just of sick as hearing from him as I am from Jesse Jackson. No man can hold anyone accountable, that is God’s job. We can ask why they did or did not do anything but we are not God. I am so sick of hearing this rhetoric about him holing someone accountable. We were handed the biggest mess in the history of the world and Tavis is holding someone accountable, please.

  5. March 16, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    Where was all this “accountability” during the past 8 years under the dictators Bush and Cheney. I have always thought Tavis Smiley is about Tavis Smiley in the guise of “enlightening” black folks. Tavis has a jealousy problem with President Obama. When Tavis dissed Michelle Obama, I as a black woman completely dissed him. He cannot tell me that if Hillary could not come he would have said “no” to Bill Clinton. What he did was deprive the African Americans in attendance at the conference an opportunity to meet, greet and get to know the FUTURE and FIRST black First Lady. Bad decision.

    Tavis is so into white corporate money it is pitiful. I will not buy his books nor will I support his SOTBU. I am sick and tired of black folks sitting on their arses {especially the ones with money} and talking about the same issues as the previous year. What has changed?

    Tavis should hold himself accountable for not doing anything over the past 8 years. The republicans NEVER help the middle class and the working poor. I wonder how much his income declined over the past 8 years. I wonder how much his income declined after he left the TJMS.

    Tavis should get a life.

  6. rlm
    March 16, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    tavis smiley is full of b s and he likes to here himself talk.

  7. Leslie
    March 16, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    Ok my beautiful people lets not fight among ourselves. I don’t kown a lot about Tavis or the state of the black union. I know there is no black unity period. We can’t even come togther in our own hoods to protect our precious children from drugs and thugs. Not to mention sexual abuse and murder! Have you forgotten Rodney, the dude with the wallet (forgive me my brother I forgot your name) those beautiful sisters in DC; all they found was their torsos, and the brother in San Fran the cop executed just a few months ago? I cry daily when I read the horror stories in the news. We need to start with ourselves. Know your neighbors and help our beautiful elders who can’t help themselves. If you don’t like Tavis don’t support him or his forum cause I know he ain’t put no food on your table or helped you pay your rent when your short a few dollars. I agree with Genma on some points especially about Wells Fargo. Ever hear of red lining? The banks have been sticking it to us since WW2, cause before that I don’t think we could walk into a bank without getting shot or lynched! Least we shall forget! Sadly, I think a lot of us have. Know you history and don’t forget it! White folks haven’t. Luv ya my beautiful people!
    The Pimpernel 🙂

  8. Lynn
    March 17, 2009 at 1:58 am

    Amen, my sister, for writing this piece. I am not a hater, but Tavis definitely has it in for Pres Obama. Not surprisingly, his show on PBS is sponsored by Walmart – does Tavis hold them accountable? He is marketing himself and as long as he remains critical of Pres Obama, conservative, white and corporate America will keep him on the air. Once this “house negro” departs from the script, he’ll be out in the fields, again, with the rest of us “negroes”.

    Internalized racism is so hard to cure.

  9. Edwin L. Coleman, II
    March 19, 2009 at 12:00 am

    Tavis Smiley has always been for Tavis Smiley. His attempt to be scholorly only makes him out to be just another selfish, and promotional hack. Perhaps it comes from his conservitive points of view. I place him and Steele, the new Republican colored face in the same bag.

    Good for you Gemma Holmes for calling him out.

  10. March 20, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    I agree Edwin,

    This proves that Tavis needs to sit down, like so many have been saying for quite sometime. What exactly does he have against our President? He went after him when he was still Senator and he’s still doing it. Does he know something about President Obama that the rest of us don’t? Yeah – I didn’t think so either.

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